Visit Us
Worship Gathering:
Sundays @ 9 & 11 AM
Kid’s Ministry: 11 AM
4290 Portland Road NE
Salem, Oregon 97301

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About New Harvest Church
New Harvest started in 2004 with the desire to be a community of faith where many would experience transformation. In the 20+ years since then God has blessed us with growth through wonderful people and a beautiful location. Everyone is welcome to join us on a Sunday for our time of fellowship, worship, and teaching from God’s Word.
During our Sunday gatherings we center our time on the Bible and allow it to encourage, equip, and come alive in us. This is our way of choosing to make God’s Word the foundation of our church community and each of our lives. We also love worshiping together every week. We believe that God uses our worship of Him to shape us to become more like him.
New Harvest is a place to be transformed by the power of God’s Spirit through His Word, a community of believers, and opportunities to serve as Christ’s hands and feet. Join us!
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Sign up to stay connected with our church family, and individual ministries, to be added to the prayer list, or to get the weekly Bible reading schedule.