Men’s Ministry

Mission & Purpose

We gather in groups or classes with a strong commitment to not play the “superficial game” of Christianity.  Instead, we want to provide an atmosphere where meaningful candid conversations can be had as well as the opportunity to have honest, fresh discussions about the Bible. 

We aim to:

  • Encourage each man in his walk with the Lord through gatherings, sound biblical teaching, and opportunities to model integrity & character.
  • Inspire healthy, meaningful relationships with each other, our community, and the global church.
  • Offer purposeful, positive ministry opportunities, events, and fellowship times.

We do this through:

  • Classes, gatherings, and service opportunities
  • Small groups, Bible studies, and one-on-one mentoring

All men are welcome to participate in our ministry activities and events.

Join the Team

Pastor Steve Entz – Men’s Ministry Pastor


If you are interested in serving in Men’s Ministry, please contact Pastor Steve.