Meet Our Pastors

Tyler Braun, Senior Pastor

“God wants more than our belief in Him. He wants our obedience.”

Tyler Braun is a writer, musician, and pastor. He grew up in Keizer, Oregon before attending George Fox University and then Multnomah Seminary.

While growing up Tyler wanted so badly to leave Salem behind, but he now embraces Salem as his home, knowing God has great things in mind for Oregon’s capitol.

He loves serving in the church while raising his three children with his wife Rose, but he also enjoys golfing and running.

You can connect with him on his blog, ManofDepravity.comTwitter, or Instagram.


Barry Braun, Associate Pastor

“Let it in; let it out!”

Barry has been ordained in the Christian Missionary Alliance since 1986. He has served churches in Minnesota and here in Oregon, as well as beginning his ministry with Youth for Christ in 1978. He attended Bethel Theological Seminary in St. Paul, MN and graduated in 1987.  

He recently served the church as the Senior Pastor for 18 years but now his focus is on pastoral care, senior adult ministry, prison outreach and a growing prayer ministry.  Barry has been married to his wife, Wendy, for 42 years and they have four adult children, all married, with seven grandchildren, so far. 


Steve Entz - Pastor of Discipleship

Steve grew up in Sao Paulo Brazil as a missionary’s kid.

He and his wife married in 1980 and have raised three children and currently have five grandchildren.

Due to hereditary eye disease, Steve is legally blind. “A perfect month for me would include meeting new people over a cup of coffee, listening to 3-4 books, and leading some meaningful Small Group meetings”.

His main role at the church is helping newcomers to the church get connected to a small group or a place to volunteer.


Meet Our Staff

Meredith Mooney - Student Ministries Director

Meredith wholeheartedly loves the ministries God has led her into, and desires to see His kingdom grow.

She was born and raised in the Salem/Keizer area and has lived here most of her life. She has been working with children and youth for over 30 years.

She loves to explore God’s creation with them through science and nature and play and watch them meet Jesus and fall in love with him.

Middle School and High School students have a special place in her heart. Their crazy energy, awkwardness and struggle to be who God created them to be are the perfect playground for exploring who Jesus is and who they are because of Him.

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” ‭‭Philippians ‭1:6‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Carol Nesmith - Support for Women

Her life verse is Proverbs 3:4-5  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.”

Carol has two adult daughters, one who is home with the Lord.  She has been an elementary school teacher for 34 years.

Carol has spent the last 13 years with Prison Fellowship Ministry, teaching Bible studies at Marion County Jail. Her desire is to allow the Holy Spirit to speak into women’s lives setting them free, so they can live out the life God has purposed for them.

She feels her calling is to listen to and love the broken. Carol sees herself as the broken whom Jesus holds together.


Debi Stangeland - Ministry Assistant/Facilities Coordinator

Debi is a wife, mom, and blogger who lives a joyful life grounded in God’s Word.

She started her adult life as a political scientist at the Oregon State Capitol and has done everything from selling karaoke machines and bowling alleys to the U.S. military, to planning tours of the Holy Land for churches across the globe.

Debi’s gifts lie in administration, organization, and service. Her passion is to know God and make Him known. Her whole world revolves around what He has done for the whole world.

In her spare time, Debi likes to fly fish, read, and listen to jazz. She’s a pushover for bicycles, Christmas gnomes, and dark chocolate. You can follow Debi at and on Instagram.
